Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Showing respect or hypocrisy

Showing respect or hypocrisy

When one step outside, she may notice that in public transport vehicles or commercial vehicles including cabs and autos in the city have one statement written over on their vehicles. The statement goes like this "This cab/auto driver respect women or This cab/auto treat women with dignity and respect". On an apparent reading, nothing wrong in these statements and seems to a positive and good initiative. But I find it to be odd for the simple reason that treating women with respect and dignity should have been our general behaviour and for showing this behaviour, one should not have been saying all this by writing it, rather the action and behaviour of the people, in general, should be evident by the fact that we are treating women with respect and dignity. Some people might say that I am unnecessarily pointing things, but to my mind, until the action speaks what one believe, there is no point in writing these things. These lines on the vehicles are same as the vehicles itself is, i.e. Non- Living.

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